Rucheli's Writings

Readings, Ramblings, and Religious Rantings

Five Beautiful Reasons the Israeli Government Should Never Give Up the Golan Heights October 8, 2010

Filed under: My Blog,Photos,Travel — rucheli @ 4:16 pm
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Nahal Yehudiya - Golan Heights, Israel

Due to my personal principles as an engineer, I usually refrain from involving myself in social sciences. Especially politics. However, this year I’ve found myself in a place and a situation where abstaining from politics is impossible. In a country constantly pummeled for its stubbornness in the “peace process”, one is forced to take a stance. My stance is for Israel.

As a country, we’ve already given up HALF of our land from the 1967 war in efforts to bring about peace. It didn’t help at all. So now we’re in peace talks again and Netanyahu keeps talking about giving up more land, including the area called the Golan Heights. This chunk of land in the northern tip of Israel has constantly been argued over, and has been subjugated to attacks and power struggles since the dawn of time. But the fact is that it’s OUR land, and we can’t give it up. And for all of you wondering what the big deal is, I have one suggestion. Go there.

I spent two days in the Yehudiya area of the Golan Heights. It’s about as deep into the Golan as you can go, and it’s 150% worth the trip. We caught a bus to Tiberias Sunday afternoon and after exploring the Sea of Galilee for a few hours, we took another 45 minute bus ride up to Nahal Yehudiya Campgrounds. We got there just in time for sunset and spent the next 24 hours basking in G-d’s glory. The views were amazing, the sunset was heavenly, the hike was one of the most challenging I’ve been on but was by far the most rewarding. Tumbling waterfalls, gorgeous cliffs, deserted village ruins, and a chilly swim across a natural pool all contributed to the best day of my time is Israel thus far. The result was a newfound appreciation for this area of Israel that we are constantly challenged over, and the realization that we can never, ever, give this land up. That being said, I am please two present five incredibly beautiful reasons that the Israeli government should continue defending our right to the Golan Heights:

Favorites from Yehudiah

5) It's the same land our Fathers inherited thousands of years ago.(View of Yehudiya Valley from the top of the hike)
